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Re: Calvert 4/27 & 28/12 ** OOPS wrong link


Leslie Starr


Leslie Starr


Sat, 28 Apr 2012 21:19:32 -0400

Sorry, everyone - I linked the same checklist twice. The correct link for our Smoky Road list is in this message, below.

On Apr 28, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Leslie Starr wrote:

> We were fortunate to arrive at Smoky Road today while Jared Fisher was still keeping track of the SEDGE WREN he found (thanks, Jared!). This obliging bird chipped and sang and showed itself.
> We were there generally later than he was but had a similar checklist (also with some photos):
> We missed some of his birds but saw and heard two SCARLET TANAGERS, a BLUE GROSBEAK, and a BLUE-WINGED WARBLER.
> We birded ACLT yesterday (in high winds) and didn't see as many migrants as Jared found today, but we probably spent more time in the bottomland, where we heard and saw three LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSHES and our FOY ACADIAN FLYCATCHER. Our checklist (with flycatcher photo):
> Leslie Starr & Joe Turner
> Port Republic


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