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Re: Canvasbacks


Bill Hubick


Bill Hubick


Fri, 17 Feb 2012 02:34:17 -0800


Yes, I'll confirm that. Those are two fantastic places for close-up viewing of Canvasbacks and other ducks, especially Oakley Street. Enjoy!


Bill Hubick
Pasadena, Maryland

> From: Mike Hudson <>
>Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:42 PM
>Subject: [MDOSPREY] Canvasbacks
>So, I'm doing a bit of research and such for a friend. I need to know where in Cambridge is the best place to view Canvasbacks, as he's trying to see some and keeps missing out. I've looked it up on ebird and it seems to be that most sightings come from Oakley Street and Great Marsh Park on Somerset Avenue. Can anyone confirm that if its true or give a better location if it isn't? I would appreciate a response by tomorrow afternoon if that is possible as I will not be able to contact him after then. It would also be extremely helpful if anyone has an address or location that can be Google mapped to get directions to these locations.  
>Thank you!! 
>Mike H.
>Baltimore City
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