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Oxbow Lake - Wilson's Snipe calling


Marcy Stutzman


Marcy Stutzman


Tue, 13 Mar 2012 11:36:28 -0400

For the 2nd night in a row, Jay Sheppard and I staked out the Oxbow at sunset in hopes that the Sandhill Crane might be using it to roost overnight. We left around 7:30 when it got too dark to see. Just before we had to leave, 4 Great Blue Heron arrived - who knows what might have flown in after we left!

The interesting thing to me that happened is that Jay pointed out the Wilson's Snipe calling from the mudflats!

Oxbow Lake, Anne Arundel, US-MD
Mar 12, 2012 6:50 PM - 7:30 PM
Protocol: Traveling
0.5 mile(s)

Comments:     For the 2nd night in a row, Jay Sheppard and I staked out the 
Oxbow at sunset in hopes that the Sandhill Crane might be using it to roost 
overnight. We left around 7:30 when it got too dark to see. Just before we had 
to leave, 4 Great Blue Heron arrived. The beaver was also out making his 
presence known by slapping the water with his tail. Also had 2 Red Bats chasing 

12 species

Canada Goose  29
Wood Duck  2
Mallard  12
Blue-winged Teal  1
Green-winged Teal  20
Great Blue Heron  4
Bald Eagle  1
Killdeer  9
Wilson's Snipe  5     We heard the Wilson's Snipe as it was too dark to see them.
Belted Kingfisher  1
Eastern Phoebe  1
Northern Cardinal  4

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Marcy Stutzman
Russett, MD


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