Hi All,
The Kent County Bird Club will be exploring Kent County in search of
birds of the county's fields and hedgerows on Saturday, 18 February. We
will be searching for geese, raptors, and such field birds as Horned
Larks, pipits, meadowlarks, Killdeer, and sparrows including (we hope
fervently) Snow Buntings and longspurs. It's peak season for Golden
Eagles heading back north as they harass the geese and another chance to
look for rare geese among the mundane. Our itinerary is highly flexible,
but we will likely hit the Sassafras valley and points east towards
We will meet folks at 8:00 AM at the Dollar General Store parking lot
between Spring St. and Philosopher's Terrace. You should dress in
layers - temperatures are forecast in the mid-40s, and bring snacks if
you like for this morning trip.
Good birding,
Walter Ellison & Nancy Martin
23460 Clarissa Rd
Chestertown, MD 21620
phone: 410-778-9568
e-mail: rossgull(AT)baybroadband.net
Observing Nature is like unwrapping a big pile of presents every time
you take a walk.
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