Hi Everyone,
I thought I'd share a couple of references that might be of interest.
eBird Shared Locations List
I recently sent out a couple e-mails about recommended shared eBird locations. To make it easier to find them later, I will track them in a spreadsheet as we release them. The list includes a recommended location for the Baltimore Co. Black-headed Gull. (http://www.billhubick.com/docs/eBird_Shared_Locations.pdf)
Maryland's Next 10 Species
In 2009, Matt Hafner and I polled Maryland birders and wrote "Maryland's Next 10 Bird Species," following up on the original work authored by Marshall Iliff in 2001. Since writing the 2009 document, an impressive number of state firsts have already fallen. They are listed below in order of rank from the Next 10 list:
1. Bell's Vireo (ranked #3 most likely)
2. Brown Booby (#6)
3. Golden-crowned Sparrow (#8)
4. Pink-footed Goose (#12)
5. Green Violetear (#15)
6. Masked Booby (#42; sight-only record to be reviewed)
In addition to these species, two others have fallen that weren't even listed in the 63 species tallied in Maryland birders' Top 10 lists.
(To be fair, many participants would have listed these if they had 60 votes instead of ten!)
7. Cassin's Sparrow
8. Virginia's Warbler
The MD/DCRC also recently added Barnacle Goose to the official state list, accepting records from Great Oak Pond (Kent Co.) and Jesterville (Wicomico Co.) It is my personal opinion that the recent Kent Co. bird is also well-positioned for acceptance. This species, along with Western Wood-Pewee and guillemot sp., were excluded from Next 10 voting. (We have specimens of Western Wood-Pewee that have not yet been accepted [tough!], and our guillemot sp. will eventually be upgraded to species level.)
Check out the Maryland's Next 10 document here:
Both of those documents, along with some excellent resources recently shared by others, are available at the "Assorted Documents" link off my home page. Here is the direct link to the documents page: http://www.billhubick.com/documents.php
Photos of the Barnacle Goose from today:
Full eBird report:
Good birding!
Bill Hubick
Pasadena, Maryland
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