This doesn't have any bearing on location of anything but you don't necessarily have to type in the full Northern Pintail to get there. I play a game to see how few characters you can type until the desired species is in a short list. In the case of NOPI, you can type "n pin" and you'll have a short list of only 4 species/hybrids to choose from. Give it a shot and see how few letters you can get by on!
Here's another couple. Purple Finch - "le fi" will narrow it down to 4. "barro" will show 5 if you're tunneling down to Barrow's Goldeneye.
Maybe I'm just doofy but I wonder if anyone else ever does this?
Tyler Bell
California, Maryland
From: jgbrc <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [MDOSPREY] Any male Pintail Ducks near Silver Spring?
Hi Jon,
Yeah, the really cool thing is that you can zoom in by zip code/town, but then zoom out as far as you want and all the data/observations are there. Theoretically, you could start in Silver Spring with the Map, zoom out and then zoom back in to Veracruz Mexico to see if any Pintails are there right now. I think the old maps only showed observations within the geographic area you initially defined. Now, it's the same overall map, and you define how you want to access it (State, County, Town, zip code).
But of course it is only as good as the number and quality of observations reported to it by birders!
From: Jon Corcoran <>
To: jgbrc <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:34 AM
Subject: RE: [MDOSPREY] Any male Pintail Ducks near Silver Spring?
Hi Jason,
I didn't realize you could query eBird by town. Thanks for the tip!
Jon Corcoran
Catonsville, MD
-----Original Message-----
From: Maryland Birds & Birding [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of jgbrc
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [MDOSPREY] Any male Pintail Ducks near Silver Spring?
Hi Elda,
eBird comes in really handy in cases like this. Just:
1. go to,
2. click on "view and export data"
3. click on "range and point maps"
4. where it says "Species" type in Northern Pintail
5. under "Date:" use the drop down menu to make the months Feb to Feb, and Years 2012 to 2012
6. under "Location" put in either Silver Spring, MD or a zipcode.
This will give you a map - probably no Northern Pintails right in Silver Spring, but ZOOM out and you will see more of the State. Click on the points and you'll get the date of observation and name of observer. Click on the "checklist" and you can get # of birds seen, possibly age/sex, and even comments.
Of course, eBird doesn't replace the knowledge and details provided by countless MDOsprey members, but if you don't get enough responses or want to know about what people not on the listserve have seen, it can be very helpful.
Good Luck!
Jason Berry
Washington, DC
From: Elda Banks <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 8:44 AM
Subject: [MDOSPREY] Any male Pintail Ducks near Silver Spring?
I would love to see a male Northern Pintail Duck. I noticed some mentioned at Blue Mash. Does anyone have any idea where I could possibly find one today or this week? Thank you.
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