Hi all,
I know the Virginia's Warbler is hot, but I was lured to Black Hill Regional Park this morning to do some sketching of the Gadwalls that Dave C. reported yesterday. They were there. As I was walking from the parking lot to the trail I heard a Red-breasted Nuthatch, a nice treat. While I was scoping the ducks, 2 Northern Shovelers appeared on the opposite bank. A good size flock of Mallards had flown in, so they might have been with them.
Other Species:
Canada Geese 60+
Gadwall 52
Northern Shoveler 2 (drake, hen)
Hooded Mergansers
Green-winged Teal 1
American Black Duck 4
Pied billed Grebe 1-2
Common Crow
Barred Owl (heard)
Golden-crowned Kinglets- several
Red breasted Nuthatch 1
Red bellied woodpecker
Downy wp
Eastern Bluebirds-several
Winter Wren 1
Carolina wren 2
Carolina Chickadee
Turkey Vulture
Red tailed Hawk
Tufted Titmouse
Northern Cardinal
" slate colored" Junco
White throated Sparrow
D.Ford/Bethesda, Md.
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