I am surprised no one has updated yet.
I tried this morning for over 3 hours but had to leave to go to work. The conditions for foraging (for insects) had improved dramatically just before I left, it was tough to leave! Prior to that, it was quite cool and foggy for much of the morning, although bird activity from sparrows was high and kept me busy looking at the steady movement. Numerous Whitethroateds, Song, and Field Sparrows, a Chippie, all 3 mimids, and the usual local winter favorites kept us busy. The Bluebird pair at nest box (at corner utility building and edge of meadow) was very active; seemed like they were already thinking it was breeding time. They were singing constantly, as were numerous song sparrows. Also heard Wood ducks calling numerous times. Early there was a large flock of Waxwings present, and later a few eagles appeared (2 adult Balds at once in view), and the Golden (what a beauty!).
When I left there had been about 30 people trying for teh warbler by then, and some had left before I did, but no one had seen it. After very slowly and quietly looking around the entire perimeter, it seemed like the best strategy was to simply hunker down on a patch of the main trail, and listen for/look at every single bird, and wait it out! I hated to leave, it was my first time birding the meadow there and it was very nice. The golden eagle was fantastic, it was perched in view for a long while in the distant treeline.
Sadly, by the time THE warbler came out I was way too far to turn around. It is great to have a job, but this was an awful day to go to work!
I am happy that some folks got to see it today.
If anyone has update (positive or negative) from this afternoon, please post.
Jeff Shenot
Croom MD
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