Thanks Joel, that's another neat trick. Not to beat this to death, but
once you're familiar with the eBird interface and can create bar charts,
you can bookmark an eBird bar chart for almost any geographic area/time
period combination that interests you (e.g. particular state or county
for all years or the current year). Then finding a location map of
sightings of a species of interest in that area is a simple two step
process: click on the bookmark and click on the map link next to the
species name.
Jim Moore
Rockville, MD
On 2/15/2012 10:56 PM, Joel Martin wrote:
> If you're looking for locations of recent sightings for multiple species in
> MD, there's an even easier way to do it without having to type in the
> bird's name each time. On the eBird home page, look on the right under Most
> Checklists Submitted for Current Month and click on Maryland (always near the
> top, of course). This brings up seasonal abundance graphs for every species
> seen in MD during the current period. You can change the date to widen
> your search. Then just click on the Map button next to the species you're
> looking for, and you'll see the state map with all the markers for that species
> during the selected time frame. When you're ready to move on to another
> species, just use your back arrow to return to the graphs, and click on
> another species. It's very quick and you don't have to type anything.
> BTW, congratulations to Jim and Ed on nailing the Virginia's Warbler! Hope
> it stays for a while.
> Joel Martin
> Catonsville, MD
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