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Least Bittern in Baltimore City


Leslie Starr


Leslie Starr


Sun, 8 May 2011 20:35:21 -0400

Possibly of interest to "county" listers, a LEAST BITTERN was calling from the north end of the pond in Patterson Park this evening. We heard it almost non-stop while we were there, between about 5:50 and 6:50pm. Paranoid about this ID, we compared it to recordings on the iPod, the live bird being just a little faster at the end, but it wasn't amphibian or any other local waterfowl.

According to eBird, this species was present in the park on May 10, 2001 and was at nearby Ft. McHenry on May 19, 2010.

We had gone to look for the BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON, which was roosting on the willow on the island, preened for awhile on exposed roots, and eventually flew off. There were COMMON YELLOWTHROAT, MAGNOLIA WARBLER, and BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLERS in the bushes around the pond.

Leslie Starr & Joe Turner


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