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Kent County Golden Crowned and others


Eileen Wise


Eileen Wise


Fri, 24 Dec 2010 19:22:15 -0500

Hubby and I made the trip today to see the Golden Crowned Sparrow and yes we did see it between 9-10am. It was a lifer for me. 

One the way down on RT 213 we saw three to four eagles standing on the ice as we went over a bridge. Other birds were a large groups of snow geese and other birds seen at the Chesapeake Farms large groups of White Throated Sparrows, White Crowned, Cardinals, Bluejays, Juncos, a Red bellied Woodpecker, Cedar Waxwings and right next to our car in the bushes something that looked like a Wood Thrush. Brown, with a spotted chest. The size seemed right for a Wood Thrush, what else looks similiar? We looked for the Rough Legged hawk and Golden Eagle but no luck there. We did see a Northern Harrier.

We also drove down to Eastern Neck NWR and saw an Adult Bald Eagle, Mute Swans?, Scaups, lots of Bluebirds,  Juncos and Canada Geese, huge flock of blackbirds and Turkey Vultures.
