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Iceland Gull @ Schoolhouse Pond, no Northern Shrike


"Strobel, Warren"


Strobel, Warren


Sun, 17 Jan 2010 15:29:28 -0500

Peter Kaestner called a little while ago to report that he had the Iceland Gull at Schoolhouse Pond (Upper Marlboro, PG County) around 2:15pm today. It was with a group of gulls, including one Lesser Black-Backed, that were later flushed by a Bald Eagle overhead.
Earlier, Peter, Lisa and I converged at the Northern Shrike location alogn Kibler Road in QA County, but 45 minutes of searching failed to turn up the bird. We did have a nice group of White-Crowned Sparrows, both adults and immatures, in the brush at the corner of Kibler and Round Top roads.
Good Birding
Warren & Lisa Strobel
Annapolis, MD