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Lamb's Knoll


Gerald & Laura Tarbell


Gerald & Laura Tarbell


Sat, 7 Nov 2009 09:25:21 -0500

Unlike little Declan Haas, I did not wake up this AM yearning for a bird
trip. I was out rather late last night on one of those specialized bird
trips where you don't bother taking along binoculars and you are happy with
a single species. Until last night I was one of the unlucky few that had
never stumbled onto a Saw Whet Owl. I had seen a couple confined at raptor
exhibits, but last night Steve Huy placed my life Saw Whet on my finger so
it could fly off after he banded it. It sat there staring at me for a while
and then did what any self-respecting bird that was sitting on my finger
would do. Yeah, that's right - it only got my thumb but she pooped. It was
inevitable. What a bird.

Thanks to Steve and the Washington County crew, particularly trip leader
Anna Hutzell for a very nice evening. I recommend that all birders should
support their local Owlnet project. Oughta be one on every street corner.
Contact Dave Brinker to set yours up. Just be prepared for some long nights
banding owls. And cranky neighbors that don't appreciate the sound of an owl
call being broadcast all night.

Jerry Tarbell
Back in Carroll County with washed hands