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Georgetown Peregrine


Carrol Cowan


Carrol Cowan


Wed, 6 May 2009 12:35:58 -0700

11:00 this morning I was looking over the wall of the Dumbarton House parking lot (27th &Q Sts) to see if there was anything interesting in the cemetery.  Just at that moment the Starlings feeding on the ground all headed for the trees, and I looked up to see a Peregrine Falcon gliding close overhead.  My first in/over Georgetown.
Other birds of interest included good looks at the Baltimore Oriole I was looking for yesterday (but no Tanager or Grosbeak), soaring Turkey and Black Vultures as well as a Cooper's Hawk, a White-crowned Sparrow and a few Warblers - Yellow-rumped, Chestnut-sided, Nashville, Black-throated Green and Blackpoll.  Incidentally, my FOY Blackpoll was May 2.

Carrol Cowan
Washington, DC