Things were happ'nin' at Milford Mills Park when I got there a little before 10am. A great deal of activity, both singing and visuals. The Northern Waterthrush were prominent--2 of them, singing (another one later). One presented a marvelous close view that really showed the difference btw it and a Louisiana--e.g. the throat streaks. A low Nashville was nice. Many other species. Then I went to Soldier's Delight where it was kind of slow at mid-day, altho the area around the Visitor's Center was somewhat active. I got a few warblers I didn't get at MMP--plus a Black-Billed Cuckoo and a Veery. Then I stopped briefly at Milford Mills on the way back and got some good birds on the trail around the bridge: Swainson's Thrush, Balt Oriole, Bay-Breasted Warbler, Cerulean. Because of the traffic, I'm glad the Cerulean was singing its complete song loudly. The Bay-B was fairly high up in what might have been a Sycamore. Combined, I had 19 warblers--oh, I wanted one more!
Milford Mills warblers, etc.:
Blue-Winged (2)
Nashville (1)
Parula (quite a few)
Chestnut-Sided (2)
Magnolia (2)
Black-Throated Blue (loud, several)
Black-Throated Green (half a dozen)
Yellow-Throated (1)
Black-and-White (2 or so)
Redstart (3)
Ovenbird (a few)
N. Waterthrush (3)
C. Yellowthroat (2)
Also: Swainson's Thrush, B. Oriole
Soldier's Delight
Warblers not at MMP: Yellow, Yellow-Rumped, Pine, Prairie. Others: Parula, Chestnut-Sided, Magnolia, BT Green, Black and White, Ovenbird, C. Yellowthroat.
Also: Black-Billed Cuckoo, Veery
All good birding,
Tim Houghton
(Glen Arm) |