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WW Crossbills at Centennial and Little Seneca (Sat)


Andy Wilson


Andy Wilson


Mon, 2 Mar 2009 18:00:15 -0500

Saw 15 or so White-winged Crossbills in Centennial Park late morning today.
Right by the south entrance as previously reported (thanks for the info
everyone). Note the park was closed today - I parked in a nearby church parking
lot and walked in - the snow was nice and deep in places.
Having heard those birds today (first for several years for me) I confirmed
that a flock of seven birds flying over Little Seneca Lake (Montgomery Co.) on
Saturday morning were White-winged Crossbills - I was pretty sure at the time,
but certain now I've heard them again!
Pretty quite at Lilypons (Frederick Co.) mid afternoon, 4 American Wigeon, 7
Green-winged Teal and 8 Snipe being the highlights.

Andy Wilson