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DC 2/28/09


Ian Davies


Ian Davies


Sat, 28 Feb 2009 15:49:16 -0500

Paul Pisano and I spent a few hours birding around DC, trolling  
through Anacostia Park and Hains Point without turning much up, but  
there were some nice birds at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens and Park.  
Highlights included 5 Fox Sparrows, with 4 of them feeding on one  
small two foot square patch of ground, a young Purple Finch singing  
halfheartedly for a short while, and a few of Wilson's Snipe on logs  
in the middle of the water was amusing to see as well. No Rusty  
Blackbirds sadly, it seemed like there should have been a couple  
around, but we were unable to track any down.
Full list from today below. All species seen in the Aquatic Gardens  
unless noted.

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens - Kenilworth Park (KP) (0730-1010):

Canada Goose     140
American Black Duck     2
Mallard     16
Hooded Merganser     5
Common Merganser     10
Great Blue Heron     3
Black Vulture     2
Turkey Vulture     2 - KP
Bald Eagle     1
Cooper's Hawk     1
Red-tailed Hawk     2 - KP carrying nesting material!
American Kestrel     1
Killdeer     23
Wilson's Snipe     4
Ring-billed Gull     120
Herring Gull (American)     15
Mourning Dove     6
Red-bellied Woodpecker     1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     1
Downy Woodpecker     7
Hairy Woodpecker     2
Northern Flicker     9
Pileated Woodpecker     1
Blue Jay     4
American Crow     15
Fish Crow     65
Carolina Chickadee     6
Tufted Titmouse     4
Carolina Wren     7
Winter Wren     1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet     1
Eastern Bluebird     2
American Robin     51
Northern Mockingbird     1
European Starling     390
Yellow-rumped Warbler     9
Savannah Sparrow     6 - KP
Fox Sparrow     5
Song Sparrow     16
Swamp Sparrow     4
White-throated Sparrow     41 - Good numbers, every thicket seemed full
Northern Cardinal     6
Red-winged Blackbird     25
Common Grackle     12
Purple Finch     1 - SY male singing
House Sparrow     5

46 species

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Good birding,
Ian Davies
Manomet, MA