When I lived in MD, I tried to learn all the local birds by call.
The local crew included BJays and I was quite familiar with all the
calls I heard in GlenEchoHeights. Now, I have moved to TX. All of
the local familiar birds have slightly different accents. The
CaWren, NoMocker, Goldfinch, Robins, and BJays are all familiar
enough. Common birds in the yard include GTGrackles and WWDoves.
However there is a beautiful call I hadn't been able to pin down. It
is a clear whistle, a descending third, slightly diminished: like
Teeee Hawwww. I checked all the recordings of the suspect birds, but
hadn't found it. After six months, this morning I saw a BJay making
this call. I don't understand why I never heard this call in MD. Is
it because I never lived near a family of Jays?
Any Marylanders know this call? Is it the TX version of 'You' All' ?
east Edwards Plateau, TX |