The diversity and number of ducks at HH were the greatest I've ever seen
there: lots of Ring Neck, American Widgeon, GW Teal and Hooded Merganser, and
smaller numbers of Canvasback, Pintail, Mallard and Gadwall. They were
primarily in the large impoundment, way at the back, best observed from Hunting
Quarter Road. Add in the Redheads (two rafts, easily 50 total) and Goldeneye
(one pair) seen on the River at Riley's and that's 10 species - without seeing
the more predictable Bufflehead or Common Merganser. I also saw several
Pied-billed Grebes and a Horned Grebe at Riley's.
Birding out on the dikes and meadows was quieter than usual, probably thanks
to the strong winds, but the woods were full of birds. For example, all
seven woodpeckers (that's including YB Sapsucker) showed up. RS and RT Hawks
were very active, close by and eye-level. Other notable birds seen: Hermit
Thrush, Winter Wren, RC Kinglet, Cedar Waxwing and YR Warbler. Total species:
Stephen Jones
Bethesda, MD
**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.
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