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Peregrine in SE DC


Paul Pisano


Paul Pisano


Thu, 18 Oct 2007 23:01:54 -0500

The U.S. Dept. of Transportation moved its offices from L'Enfant Plaza to
the Navy Yard area this past year, and since they are my employer, I moved
with them.  While there are many cons associated with the move (and no, I'm
not talking about embezzling govt employees, I'm talking about longer
commutes, lack of cellular coverage in the building, lack of water pressure
on the upper floors, etc.) there is one definite pro - my view is much
better.  I'm now on the 8th floor instead of the 3rd, and have a much more
expansive view.  That's the upside.  The downside is that I'm looking north,
while my colleagues on the other side of the building get to see the
Anacostia River (a bit distant, but still close enough to see Great Egrets
and Forster's Terns with the naked eye).  In any case, I've now got the Rob
Hilton bug, and have a tendency to look out the window while pondering
highway congestion, advanced technologies and the weather (well, that IS my
job).  Birding has been decent since the summer, with a pair of AMERICAN
KESTRELS nesting on or near the building and giving a nice show when they
catch dragonflies on the wing.  So far I think my window list is up to 27
species, with the highlight being an adult PEREGRINE that zipped by my
window this afternoon.  I saw the bird again while I walking to Metro and
the bird alighted on a nearby building.  I'm guessing it's one of the
Potomac RR bridge birds (saw 2 on the lines there yesterday), but I guess it
could be a migrant too.  It will be interesting to see if it sticks around
and works on the many pigeons in the neighborhood.

Good birding,
Paul Pisano
Arlington, VA