Hi all,
On Friday January 5, after driving my daughter to NYC and dropping her off
at JFK (for a college trip to Tanzania!), my wife and I were heading into
Manhattan via the Air Train. This is a shuttle to and from the airport from the
main subway heads. We were just pulling into Jamaica Station about mid-morning,
when I looked out the window and saw an American Kestrel flying up to land
on a power line pole in mid-track. This was a very urban area of railway
crossings, parallel tracks, gravel sideyards, utility wires and poles, and right
next to the station itself; really nothing green in sight. I was (and still
am) awed by the resilience of this species.
So you don't really have to head out of the suburbs to find this species
(unless by heading out of the suburbs involves heading INTO the "urbs"!)..
Rick Sussman
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