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Re: 12/16 South side of OC Inlet - Co Eider


Paul O'Brien



Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:49:32 EST


On 11/11/00 I hiked up the beach and found at least 30 Bald Eagles, my 
maximum single scan count.   They were on the bare sand where a washover had been 
repaired with yellowish sand, obviously trucked in, about 3 miles up the beach.  
 It appeared to me that they had been using the open area as a roost since it 
gave them unobstructed views in all directions.   No fox could have 
approached without being seen.   It was quite a sight.

As for Ipswich Sparrows, I think they are pretty much confined to the grassy 
dunes adjacent to the bayberry stands along the last quarter mile below the 
inlet.   Others have hiked the area more recently during November "Rarity 
Roundups" and may have other locations to report.   It's a grueling walk, to say the 

Paul O'Brien
Rockville, Mont. Co., MD

In a message dated 12/22/06 9:23:55 AM,  writes:

> Bald Eagles - 20-30?  For half of the walk every time I scanned the beach
> ahead of us I saw 12-18 Eagles on the beach.  I expect that it was mostly
> the same birds and we were pushing them up the beach.  The beach was also
> covered with their interesting tracks.