There were as many birds as people on the ridge today, and that's saying
something. The maintenance yard held many of the same species. The
following birds were seen on the ridge unless specified otherwise.
American kestrel (reported over the maintenance yard)
Northern harrier (reported over the yard)
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Common nighthawk
Ruby-throated hummingbird (in the yard with a striking yellow back)
Chimney swift
Northern flicker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Eastern wood-pewee
Gale and Barry may report a Traill's flycatcher later
American crow
Red-eyed vireo
Philadelphia vireo
Swainson's thrush
Robins and robins and robins
Grey catbird and northern mockingbird
Chickadees and titmice
White-breasted nuthatch
Carolina wrens (reclaiming turf after the summer's invasion of house wrens)
Blue-grey gnatcatcher
American redstart
Northern parula
Canada (seen in the yard)
Blue-winged (reported in the yard)
Black-throated green
Ovenbird (heard)
Common yellowthroat
Baltimore oriole
Scarlet tanager
Rose-breasted grosbeak
Northern cardinal
Eastern towhee |