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Ft McHenry National Monument, 4/26/06


Kevin Graff


Kevin Graff


Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:33:00 -0700

Hi all,

Baltimore Bird Club's third of the series evening
weekly birdwalk, next walk on May 3 at 6pm.

Ft McHenry National Monument, end of Fort Ave., Locust
Point section of Baltimore, MD

LEADER: Jim Peters
Observers: 13

WEATHER: PC, 58-55 degrees, SSE 10 mph- S 6 mph

  76  Canada Goose
   7  Mallard
  10  Double-crested Cormorant
   2  Great Blue Heron
   1  Great Egret
   3  Osprey
   3  Killdeer
  34  Ring-billed Gull
  10  Herring Gull
  19  Great Black-backed Gull 
   2  Forster's Tern
   9  Rock Pigeon
   8  Mourning Dove
   2  Chimney Swift
   1  Northern Flicker
   1  Eastern Kingbird -Western Kingbird not seen yet
   7  Fish Crow
   2  Tree Swallow
  22  Northern Rough-winged Swallow
  11  Barn Swallow 
   1  Red-breasted Nuthatch 
   2  House Wren 
   1  Marsh Wren
   1  Hermit Thrush
  35  American Robin 
   2  Gray Catbird 
   2  Brown Thrasher
 106  European Starling
   1  Palm Warbler
   2  Eastern Towhee 
   1  Chipping Sparrow
   1  Field Sparrow
   2  Savannah Sparrow
   2  Song Sparrow
   9  Swamp Sparrow
  11  White-throated Sparrow 
   5  Northern Cardinal
   7  Red-winged Blackbird
  11  Common Grackle
   3  Orchard Oriole 
   1  American Goldfinch 
   2  House Sparrow  
 438  42 species

   8  Gray Squirrel
   1  Red Fox 

   1  Cabbage White
   1  Orange Sulphur

      Kevin Graff
      Jarrettsville, MD & West O.C., MD

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