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activity at the inlets


Steve Schwemmer


Steve Schwemmer


Sat, 24 Dec 2005 21:02:49 -0800

The opportunity to bird the OC and Indian River  inlets arose from a pre-Christmas family get-together in  Selbyville.  I hope this becomes an annual family gig as my  sister's house is a great place to start and finish a day of birding.
  Highlights of the OC inlet from noon until two on the 23rd included  black and surf scoter, purple sandpiper, long-tailed duck, common loon,  red-throated loon, ruddy turnstone and northern gannet (a total of 6  all flying south).  Brandt were everywhere.
 Yesterday's  (23rd) great weather improved as the day wore on and the late afternoon  light at Indian River Inlet's "south beach" provided great views of  common eider (one male and 6 female), dozens of long-tailed ducks, and  of course the DC comorant's on the jetty's tower.  Sanderlings  worked the mossy rocks along side the purple sandpipers and ruddy  turnstones.
  Have a great and birdy holiday!
  Steve Schwemmer

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