This morning I was amazed to hear a Least Bittern calling at a DC
location. While I regret that the area is not normally open to the
public and so exact directions are inapplicable, I'm posting this anyway
because the location was so remarkable - not 200 yards from the rumbling
South Capital Street Bridge. This area of Anacostia Park harbors several
small, cattail-lined ponds, from one of which the bird was calling.
Perhaps even more remarkable than the bird calling by day (which I have
sometimes heard them do, but only on very cloudy days, not in bright sun
as this AM), is today's late date for a migrant. Dare we hope the
2-weeks-past-safe-date date really betokens breeding status? Even I
would hesitate going that far.
This same patch also supported at least a dozen (v. conservative
estimate) Willow Flycatchers, and while in this case "safe date" lies
over 2 weeks ahead, there can be little doubt that most form a breeding
population, considering that some were actively engaged in nest building!
More philosophically, does this experience not remind us of the value of
preserving even small islands of habitat in urban areas, providing birds
can accept them as breeding grounds? One is reminded of Halle's
"Springtime in Washington" of an earlier day.
Fred Fallon
Bowie MD