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Results from Hope House Birding Visit


Les Roslund


Les Roslund


Sun, 24 Apr 2005 21:09:10 -0400

    Eighteen people braved the threatened hostile weather conditions and
came on out to what turned out to be a reasonably decent day for birding,
though the wind was pretty strong in the early part of the morning.  The
group tallied 53 species while together, and then the last car on the exit
road added three more species (including two warblers) that the others of
missed.  The trip was led by Les Roslund.
    Birding highlights:
        Red-headed Woodpecker - several sightings, though probably the same
        Baltimore Oriole - two (at least) singing, and one giving great
        Royal Tern - two of them
	  Forster's Tern
        Rusty Blackbird - at least a couple of them foraging on the floor of
a wet part of the woodland
        Ruby-crowned Kinglets - many on the property and many treating us to
their delightful
            little high-pitched songs
        Pileated Woodpecker - great scope views
        Warblers - Yellow-rumped, Pine, (Yellow Warbler and Black-throated
Green seen only by occupants of last car)
        Also - Bald Eagle, Osprey, DC Cormorants, Lesser Scaup, Buffleheads,
nesting Canada Goose and European Mute Swan, Sparrows (Chipping, Field,
Song, White-throated).
Les Roslund

Talbot County
Easton MD 21601