Howdy all,
Another good day of "work" for me today around the lake at St Mary's River SP. I was GPS'ing the trail and had lots of good birds, especially first thing in the morning. I had a total of 29 (identified) species, 15 in the first mile of my hike! Birds of note for the day were two more life birds of the warbler variety. A Black&White Warbler landed on a limb RIGHT in front of me (the camera is in my backpack of course) and then ran off with 3 cohorts who were already sparring. I was able to get the camera out and snap a few half-decent photos sice they were so distracted with each other. The other new guy was a lone Hooded Warbler that landed about 3 feet from me and had the decency to do his business in the direction away from my head. Then he flew away... guess he didn't think as much of me as I thought of him. :) I was pishing on both occasions and later had great luck pishing in 5 Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers and a Pine Warbler for some more photos. I also had Palm and Yellow-Rumped
Warblers in several places, as well as a flyover of 3 or 4 Purple Martins. I was a little disappointed in not having any of the regular water birds (except CAGO) but I wasn't surprised with so many bass fisherman trolling the shoreline for a bite. Oh well, there's always tomorrow! I'm hoping for some more new warblers, they've taken a close second place (behind raptors of course) of my favorite kind of bird.
Oh yeah, I also had my first dragonfly for the year, s/he was nice enough to let me get a great macro photo before zipping off to wherever dragonflys go when they aren't modeling for the camera. Anybody on the list a dragonfly afficianado? I'm clueless on dragonflys!
Til next time...
Chris Ordiway
Callaway, MD
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