[MDOsprey] MD Shorebird Site

Gregory B Miller (gregorym@erols.com)
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 14:23:12 -0400

Howdy All!

Here's an example of what Ohio is doing for shorebird migration:


They also have a listserv with postings like MDOsprey.  This site does
not replace the listserv.  It only puts all the current available
shorebird information into one easily accessible place.

I believe that making this type of information available on the internet
would be a worthwhile endeavor.  I don't care who does it.  (Fran, if
you'd like to take up the cause, you're welcome to it! <grin>) I just
think it's a great idea.

Maybe some of you have additional ideas on how to improve on this format
and what infomation is important to you.

Finally, I believe this is a good step toward learning more about
shorebird migration in our state.  Many of the major, better-known
shorebird areas get some birding coverage throughout the course of
migration.  But as you all know, many shorebirds pass through Maryland,
stopping at farm ponds, wet fields, mudflats, and even small puddles
after a rain.  Additionally, these conditions can change dramatically in
the course of days or even hours.  A tremendously active little puddle
in the middle of a field can be dried up and completely unproductive
overnight.  It is up-to-date information like this that is so important
in tracking birds coming through our region.  Who knows--maybe we'll
even find some previously unknown little shorebird niche areas that will
be absolute gems during this year's migration...

Greg Miller
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Home-	gregorym@erols.com
WWW-	http://www.erols.com/gregorym