Sunday Hunting Amendment

Marcia Watson-Whitmyre (mww@UDel.Edu)
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 12:52:02 -0500

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Leslie Fisher called on Saturday to say that there was some
action in the Legislature on the Sunday hunting bill.  I
checked the MD General Assembly website at and I think (still learning this
legislative stuff) what happened is that the House approved
HB 906 on a second reading, with amendments.  The amended
bill allows Sunday hunting for DEER ONLY, and only during
November and December with bow and arrow.  The provision
allowing for Sunday hunting of forest game birds and mammals
was removed.  Furthermore, in its current state, the house
bill restricts Sunday hunting to private lands, with written
permission of the owner.  The original bill had some wording
about requiring DNR to study whether Sunday hunting on
PUBLIC land would be inconsistent with prior use;  all of
the wording pertaining to public land has been removed in
the amended bill.

My personal opinion is that the amendments (if I have
interpreted them correctly) meet my safety concerns.  The
bill as amended would not interfere with Sunday birding on
any public land.   I would appreciate it if someone else
with more legislative knowledge would take a look at the
amended bill (see give
their opinion.

There apparently has been no action in the Senate on the
companion bill (SB 566).
Marcia Watson-Whitmyre

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