Where the Kelp Gull goes after hours is, indeed, the big question, but because it flies along the river and most of that area is privately owned with little water access, we've never had any luck figuring it out. Donnie Ray of the Sea Breeze says he'll have his boat ready when the weather warms up and we'll go look! If anyone can track it down before that, we'd all be grateful! (Incidentally, when the bird and I used to meet for our sunrise visits, it always came in from down river. Go figure!) Jane Kostenko jkostenko@somd.lib.md.us California, Maryland Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why they call it the PRESENT. -----Original Message----- From: Fran Saunders <saunderf@ARI.Net> To: mdosprey@ARI.Net <mdosprey@ARI.Net> Date: Sunday, March 21, 1999 8:08 AM Subject: Re: Kelp Gull 3/20/99 Jane said: > It went to the far pier with most of the other gulls, then they all took > flight, circled several times, and then all left, headed upriver, at 5 > p.m. Any idea where he's been disappearing to, or where that flock goes after hours? Fran -------------------------------- Fran Saunders Web Site Director Maryland Ornithological Society Silver Spring, Maryland webmaster@mdbirds.org http://www.MDBirds.org