At, the National Park Service posted its Environmental Assessment-Bell Atlantic Mobile Applications for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in Rock Creek [National] Park [Washington, D.C.] at the Maintenenance Yard & Tennis Center. I had planned to send a comment to the Park Service on the impact of this tower on migrating birds. But in reading the Assessment, I found the following quote: "The American Bird Conservancy Policy Council and the North American Ornithological Council have identified any telecommunications tower over 200 feet with lights for aviation warning as having potential for killing migratory birds at night under certain climatic conditions. Since the monopoles proposed at the tennis center and maintenance yard are well below 200 feet (100 feet and 130 feet respectively) and are unlighted, they would not pose a threat to migratory birds." Does anyone know if this is true? Eric Raun Silver Spring, Maryland Free Bloodflower Milkweed seeds: e-mail address: ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]