Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 15:57:43 -0600 From: Bob Hatcher Subject: Alert for Trumpeter Swans Sightings 12/28/98 The Central Flyway Council reports that Trumpeter Swans have expanded substantially from releases in the Great Lakes area since the early 1980's. They have been sighted in as far south as: southern Illinois and Indiana, Arkansas, and NW Mississippi. I am not aware of any confirmed sightings in Tennessee, even though there was a report of possible Trumpeter Swans at Lake Lauderdale of Lauderdale County, Tennessee in January, 1997. The Central Flyway Council shows a map of potential winter populations of Trumpeter Swans as far east as Chattanooga and Crossville, Tennessee and as far south as Pensacola, Florida. Almost all released swans were marked with collars or wing tags, some of which have been lost. Since more cygnets are now fledged in the wild than directly from releases, very few wild cynets are being marked before they fledge, except in Wisconsin. Some of you may have ALREADY sighted Trumpeter Swans in Tennessee. Please watch for Trumpeter Swans during the winter months, especially in West Tennessee. Please report any Trumpeter Swan sightings to me (see below), including: -- date of observation, -- exact location and county, -- number individuals observed, including adults and immatures, -- field marks or behavior observed, -- distance when observed, -- viewing aids used, -- description of any markers, -- other documentation, -- observer(s), and -- address, phone, and E-mail of reporting observer. We would like to hear from you to document past or future sightings for all appropriate records. We will forward a copy of Tennessee reports to: the Central Flyway Council, the Records Committee of the Tennessee Ornithological Society, etc. Thanks. Bob Hatcher, Coordinator Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency P.O. Box 40747 Nashville, TN 37204 (615) 781-6619 E-mail: