Re: Gulls in Bowie

Thu, 07 Jan 99 08:35:46 EST

Thanks for the update Marshall -- we have also been trying to locate the
"other sites" where these gulls must roost, since from about Dec. 26, my tally
(including other folk's sightings) indicates that at least two different 1st
W. Iceland (one quite light, the other more biscuit in color, both have
been seen at same time), a 2nd W and a full adult Iceland have been at Pax,
plus Dave M. saw what he thought to be a 3rd W. Iceland nearby at the Ag Ctr;
then at least three 1st W. Glaucous have been at Pax -- once all together --
and Danny. B. had four Lesser BB Gulls there Dec. 28, and you had 2 1st W
LBBG nearby. (We personally haven't had more than two adults at any one time).

It would seem a visit to the landfill might be in order -- perhaps in light of
the large number of unusual gulls around this winter, we should revive "Gull
Day" in 1999.

(Although sitting on a hunk of frozen garbage can't compete with the comfort
of the Pax. Visitor's Ctr.!)

A friend in Virginia posted that he saw a Common/Mew Gull on the CBBT last
week, so we should be on the lookout for these as well...

Gail Mackiernan and Barry Cooper