I take my 2 Keeshonden(dogs) birding with me every morning. They don't hamper me too much and I walk them on flexi-leads (one on 15 ft and 1 on 30 ft). They both have advanced obedience training so it is easy for me to leave them in a stay and walk around an area (keeping them in sight of course) for hands free birding. I have taught them to fetch their leashes and bring them to me so I don't have to walk back to get them. So far they haven't flushed anything interesting. I did read an article about a fellow that trained a dog to scent out owl pellets. THAT would be interesting! Maybe they could find saw-whets? I have also thought it would be worthwhile to get a sturdier breed that could carry my scope for me (with a special saddle-pack). Bonnie and the Kees (Perikee's Jacinthe at Astarz CDX) (Pymmint's Westcrest Snowbird CDX)