To all birders, Thanks for the information about the VA trip to Bridge and Tunnel, although I didn't go there, but went to Chincoteague NWR on Aug 30. Marbled Godwit seen at Snow Goose Pool, Whimbrel at Swan Cove along with 6 Royal Tern and dozens species of shorebirds, near Swan Cove a large rookery of both egrets seen on top of tree, Black Tern at Tom's Cove, a high count of 51 Am. Oystercatcher near the stakes at Queens Sound Channel at Rt. 175 bridge and many hundreds of shorebirds can been seen on both side of Rt. 175 along with several species of herons. On Wed. Aug. 26th along Rt. 54 near Rt. 113, an Eurasian Collard Dove was seen on one of the trees near the house #60 with red roof before and after the rainstorm, the second one could not be relocated. Good Birding Kevin Graff Baltimore, MD