Pacific Loon update for May 26, 7:00pm until 7:50pm Washington, DC, Washington Channel, east of Hains Point. Late yesterday there were 15+ birders along Hains Point Drive. The breeding plumage Pacific Loon was being watched from about Parking area 8, near the white channel markers. Then the bird was lost for 10+ minutes, as it moved up the Washington Channel. It was then relocated and slowly moved down (south) most of the length of the Channel again, always on the far side for us. There were are also two Common Loons in the same area. One breeding plumage, one in winter plumage. The Pacific Loon and the winter plumaged Common Loon "passed" each other, and most people had the opportunity to compare the size and shape of the two species. Very nice. Thanks to all the people who have shared information on this bird. I hope others find it today. David Bridge