
andrew l rabin (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 19:22:16 -0500 (EST)

  Hello all,

   Just got back from Liberty Reservoir.  The good news is that the
crossbills are still there in decent numbers.  Unfortunately, they won't
stand still long enough to provide us needy birders with good looks.
Here's a summary of what I saw:

arrived @ 7:45am (Pine Knob Rd)- saw 1 female Red Crossbill atop a tree on
the side of the road.  Great view of the bird in the scope.

8-9:30am about 10 groups flew over our heads, averaging about 8 birds
each. I could see that there were red birds and yellow birds, all calling,
but could not determine the species.

9:30-10:30am (Deer Park Rd)- NAFT (in other words, I didn't see

10:30-11:45am (Pine Knob Rd)- 2 groups flew over, including one that had 9
birds in it.

  Overall, it was well worth the trip.  Of course, I'll have to go back
and try to find the White-wings.  Thanks again to those who gave
directions and other pertinent information!  It will be a long time before
I forget the sight of that female crossbill.

Andy Rabin
Gaithersburg, MD