Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 13:23:52 EST Reply-To: Maryland Birds & Birding Sender: Maryland Birds & Birding From: Danny Bystrak Subject: Eurasian Wigeon, tango de la muerte, etc. Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Yesterday, 2-22-02, there was a male Eurasian Wigeon in a small flock of Baldpates in the pond along Brown's Bridge Rd. one mile north of the intersection with Old Marlboro Pk. (Rt725). The last time one graced the area, he was to be seen in any of the 6 or so ponds in the Upper Marlboro area. Also yesterday, i heard a Marsh Wren, and saw a yg male Yellowthroat in the marsh behind my house. Later (6pm) i got to watch a "tango de la muerte" between an imm. Bald Eagle and a Ring-billed Gull. The eagle finally succeeded and finished the job by drowning its prey, after which it literally swam to shore, using its wings as oars, dragging the gull. After 5 minutes of chowing down, an adult Bald Eagle (at a considerable distance) did a u-turn and swooped in and chased the young one away to take over. danny bystrak bristol MD ======================================================================= To leave the MDOsprey list, send e-mail to with the following message in line 1: signoff mdosprey ======================================================================= =========================================================================